I am going to like school…when the fixed mindset is considered uncool, where the design process, creativity and empathy sets the foundation for us mentally.
I am going to learn better…when I am not lectured forever, PowerPoint included…which often leaves me convoluted.
I am going to like my teacher…when he is more than a preacher, where being a guide on the side gives us more pride and makes me feel more alive.
I am going to complete my homework…when it evolves from just paperwork, where collaborative projects are the norm and worksheets are old form.
I am going to write deeper…when my audience is more than just a teacher, like peer reviews and blogging on the web, which is more widespread.
I am going to read with more passion…when required books are no longer in fashion, where choice, diversity and inclusion are the next evolution.
I am going to understand mathematics…when solving problems is less automatic, where theory meets application and STEAM is part of the equation.
I am going to experience science…when we go beyond standards compliance, where citizen science projects, inquiry, and a hands-on experiment fills our class with merriment.
I am going to relive history…when scripted lessons are no longer a mystery, where theatre, field trips, and debates create an environment that stimulates.
I am going to rock this state test, even though I contest, wondering when all this political nonsense will finally be put to rest.
I am going to ask more questions and collaborate with suggestions, be an active learner developing real world skills and leaving behind all those boring rote drills.
I am going to be a creator and hone my skills as a maker, where entrepreneurship, growth mindset and relationship building will be more fulfilling.
I dream of an education, where I am not bounded by location, when students, teachers, and classes all over the world are connected as one learning nation!
I am going to like school...